Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 9:26 PM

Getting from here to there safely

Hang on. It’s going to be a wild ride.

Hang on. It’s going to be a wild ride.

That pretty much sums up doing any kind of driving these days as more and more often, people behind the wheel have forgotten what defensive driving means and take that “me-first” approach on our roadways.

It’s almost scary.

And the statistics prove it.

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, the number of people killed in vehicle crashes last year was the most since 1981. All told, 1,532 individuals died in vehicle crashes in 2021 and another 6,493 suffered major injuries. That’s more than four people killed and about 18 individuals seriously injured on our Texas roadways each and every day.

And more than a third of those deaths involved excessive speed – something in which we all have control.

TxDOT states there was a 16 percent increase in speed-related crashes last year.

“Speed is the number one factor in roadway crashes in our state, causing one out of every threetraffic deaths,” TxDOT Executive Director Marc Williams said. “When you speed, you increase the risk of death and serious injury in a collision. By observing the speed limit and driving to specific weather and road conditions, Texans can make our roads safer for everyone.”

Plain and simple.

In addition, one in four traffic deaths on Texas roads last year were caused by drunk drivers, while more than 25,000 traffic crashes involved drunk driving – up 9 percent over 2020. Almost every time I drive somewhere, somebody drives through a red traffic signal, runs a stop sign, cuts me off, pulls out immediately in front of me (oftentimes when there is nobody behind me), recklessly passes me (even in no-passing zones) or does not yield when he or she is supposed to yield.

And Interstate 10 is like a NASCAR track, except for the always-left turns – complicated by the never-ending and seemingly never-improving construction.

And then there are the folks who don’t use turn signals, drive between dusk and dawn without headlights, take up two, or even three parking spaces and don’t yield the right of way or yield to pedestrians. And I won’t even mention those who drive while under the influence – any influence – or talk, text and use their hands for other things while behind the wheel.

It’s nothing short of a miracle there are not more crashes on I-10 and other busy roads than there already are. I guess there are enough of us defensive drivers left who know how to properly handle a vehicle when we’re behind the wheel, but it seems like we’re in the lesser and lesser minority.

This “My way or the highway” approach on our roads is a disaster in the making, and I’m sure we’ve all experienced a close call or two … or three or four or five.

It’s just plan ridiculous – and frightening – how some people drive.

In the Texas Driver Handbook, there are defensive driving safety tips we’re all supposed to follow.

• Stay alert and keep eyes moving to keep track of what is happening at all times.

• Look for trouble spots developing all around.

• Have a plan of action.

• Know that the law requires drivers to protect each other from their own mistakes.

That last point seems to be the main problem. Many drivers only want to worry about themselves. Period.

And then there is the road rage section which includes these instructions:

• Should you need to use your horn, tap the horn and do not hold down the horn. Do not confront other drivers or make obscene gestures.

• Do not cut into another driver’s lane of traffic. Properly signal your intentions to change lanes when it is safe to do so.

• Do not intentionally slow down, slam on your brakes or speed up to keep someone from passing or entering your lane of travel.

• Do not tailgate; follow at a safe distance.

• Always remember to drive friendly.

Drive friendly? Who does that anymore?

And some keys to safe driving from the handbook.

• Good vision.

• Obey traffic laws.

• Courtesy – safety comes before right of way.

• Proper signaling – failure to signal is dangerous and inconsiderate.

• Don’t be distracted.

Good driving is mostly good sense and being careful and courteous. Behind the wheel certainly is no place for the me-first attitude.

Remember, it can only take a second or one overly aggressive maneuver for things to get out of control – or worse.

So, please do be careful out there … and drive friendly.

As always, thanks for reading. Just don’t do so while you’re behind the wheel.




Boerne Star
