Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 11:02 PM

Hill Country shooting team right on target

The Scholastic Action Shooting Program youth shooting team, Texas Hill Country Junior Marksmen, is off to a fantastic start for the 2022-23 shooting season.

The Scholastic Action Shooting Program youth shooting team, Texas Hill Country Junior Marksmen, is off to a fantastic start for the 2022-23 shooting season.

Under the coaching of Brooke Dorman, Michael Garrett and Katie Peterson, the 17-person team has competed in two speed steel shooting matches, securing multiple medals.

In October at Georgetown, the team brought home 2nd- and 3rd-place medals for both varsity optic rifle squads.

The intermediate optic rifle squad placed 1st in their division, the varsity iron sight pistol squad placed 3rd overall and the pistol caliber carbine squad placed 1st overall.

Individual awards went to sophomore Mikaela Garrett for top ladies athlete in optic rifle and senior Brenden Wimsett took 3rd in optic rifle men’s division.

Eighth grader Everett Dorman won 1st place in men’s intermediate division optic rifle and men’s intermediate division pistol caliber carbine, while sophomore Brynn Dorman placed 3rd in women’s pistol caliber carbine division. In November at Dripping Springs, the team’s varsity optic rifle squad placed 2nd and the pistol carbine caliber squad was 1st in their division.

Everett Dorman received high overall in the pistol caliber carbine intermediate category and 4th grader Bella Harrison received top female rookie for her first match.

Brenden Wimsett and the rest of the shooting team that is off to a fast start this year.

Brenden Wimsett and the rest of the shooting team that is off to a fast start this year.

Mikaela Garrett takes aim at a recent shooting competition. </br> Submitted photos

Mikaela Garrett takes aim at a recent shooting competition. </br> Submitted photos




Boerne Star
