Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 2:11 AM

Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild invites you to the 2023 Quilt Conference

Happily the Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild returns Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6, with Hampton Inn serving as conference headquarters, 34925 IH 10 West, Boerne.

Happily the Cibolo Creek Quilters Guild returns Friday, May 5 and Saturday, May 6, with Hampton Inn serving as conference headquarters, 34925 IH 10 West, Boerne. Highlights of the day and a half Conference include a Meet and Greet with this year’s presenter, Susan Cleveland, the drawing for the 2023 CCQG Raffle Quilt, and a Saturday Market following the Conference. A demonstration is included with Friday’s lunch.

Susan Cleveland’s enthusiasm for quilting is said to be contagious. She works towards keeping an upbeat setting, providing well-written instructions, and attending to each student with personalized coaching. Her quilts have received many awards in international competitions since 1997, where judges have commented on her fine workmanship and original style. Cleveland thrills with her unique designs by including charming, unexpected elements such as prairie beads, specialty threads, piping, and great binding techniques. Cleveland was delighted to be named Minnesota Quilter of the Year in 2010, and most recently served a two-year term on the board of the International Quilt Association.

Unable to attend the CCQG Conference, but would like to support fiber arts in our community? Purchase your raffle ticket(s) for a chance to win the lovely quilt pictured-- a Mexican Star quilt pattern by Southwind Designs that was chosen by the Raffle Quilt committee.

For Conference details, or to purchase 2022-2023 Raffle Quilt tickets, refer to the Guild’s website: www. cibolocreekquiltersguild. com, or email inquiries to [email protected].

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Boerne Star
