Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 10:40 PM

Boerne ISD Workforce Days


In January 2022, the Boerne Independent School District noticed that many businesses in our community were experiencing a post-pandemic challenge of filling their job openings. We could see the anguish on the faces of business owners as they struggled to keep their doors open or they had to drastically reduce their operating hours due to low staffing. As a district, we have hundreds of junior and senior high school students, and in our community we knew there were hundreds of job openings ready to be filled.

Boerne ISD took the immediate and decisive action to create an Adulting 101 program to quickly get our high school students job ready. In this program we taught our students how to create a resume, the importance of dressing professionally, interviewing skills, and budgeting tips. A few days later, we hosted Workforce Wednesday, a job fair at each of our high schools during the school day. We had over 40 businesses participate from many different industries: hospitality, restaurants, medical, dental, banking, engineering, technology, non-profits, and many more. Many of the high school students were hired at the job fair or a few days thereafter.

Boerne ISD’s workforce development initiative has made a huge economic impact in our community. Our students are learning job skills, earning extra money for college, and businesses are able to expand and thrive during these challenging times.

In a few weeks, we will be hosting our next round of Boerne ISD Workforce Days and hosting job fairs at our high schools. Champion High School’s Workforce Day is Tuesday, May 16th from 11:30am-2pm, while Boerne High School’s Workforce Day is Friday, May 19th from 12:302pm. As of this writing we have over 30 local businesses and organizations signed up to attend. If you would like the opportunity to have your business or organization attend please email me at [email protected].

This past February, Boerne ISD Workforce Days earned a Statewide Award from the Texas School Public Relations Association. We are very proud that our efforts have been recognized across Texas, and we are proud of the wonderful partnerships that we have formed in our community. We cannot thank our Community Partners enough for all they do for our students.

We are a reflection of our community, and we are the best school district because our community is the best. We couldn’t continuously provide a top quality education as well as job opportunities to our students without the unwavering support of our community. And for that, we thank you.




Boerne Star
