Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 10:37 PM


Boerne resident responds to Republican column

Buck Rogers’ essay (“Howdy Kendall County!” [sic], 16 April 2023), asks citizens of our county to volunteer their support for the local Republican party.

As an unabashed political liberal, I read the piece with interest to see what his party espouses as its mission and goals.

First, Buck enjoins us all to support Texas HB 3995 to protect Camp Bullis and its future. As a liberal, I found this bill unobjectionable and worthy of all Kendall County citizens’ support.

Next, Buck says his party is for freedom (that is a great idea), border security (who could disagree?), following the Constitution (if only it were so!), and volunteering at local elections (I do this regularly, even without the hope any of my candidates will win in our heavily red county).

Buck wants to ensure we follow the rule of law. I agree. That is why the myriad cases now being charged or contemplated in our courts in both Federal, state, and local jurisdictions regarding fraud, altered business records, rape, unaddressed lies to the public (Dominion vs. Fox News), holding unauthorized classified documents, fomenting an insurrection against the United States, etc. be prosecuted to the fullest extent. So, with all this apparent agreement, we all should be able to address any remaining differences through civil discourse in the public square. I wonder why this is not happening today. As Rodney King might say, “Why can’t we all get along?”

Full disclosure requires me to note, Buck Rogers and his family are friends of ours. Buck and my spouse, Joellen, were, at the same time, both group commanders at Misawa AB, Japan in the late ‘90s. He and his family are, or were, all members of the U.S. Air Force. Likewise, every member of our family was a member of either the U.S. Air Force or U.S. Army. We are also neighbors in the same housing development!

– Oak DeBerg Boerne Resident




Boerne Star
