Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 9:14 PM


Hold accountable those who drive reckless water policies

Editor, When? When will our public officials finally come to terms with the reality pertaining to our water availability and sustainability issues here in Kendall County and regionally?

When will those public officials finally come to terms with the harm that’s been done over the past decade-plus by unsustainable and reckless growth, fueled by the greed and avarice of a small number of individuals with a very short-term, self-enriching vision of what our community should look like in the future.

We must aggressively challenge public officials and agencies responsible for the squandering and misappropriation of our endangered water resources.

SAWS immediately comes to mind; however, we must not overlook GBRA and others.

When did the mission of GBRA shift from protecting/ conserving our water resources to facilitating the conveyance of water (new pipelines), promoting unsustainable growth and maximizing their revenues?

Public officials arrogantly and often rely on the doctrine of “sovereign immunity” to protect themselves from legal consequences for their actions. I would caution those folks not to rely too heavily upon “sovereign immunity” for indemnification; political dynamics are changing. There may be a shyster who might dispute my cautionary note possibly motivated by something other than the “public good” (think exorbitant legal fees).

The average residents, locally as well as throughout our nation, are becoming increasingly sick of the all-too frequent examples of abuse of power committed by public officials at all levels of government.

Consider for a moment the redundant, disingenuous cliché: “No One is Above the Law,” currently proclaimed on a daily basis by duplicitous public officials.

When do the reckless, arbitrary and capricious actions of public officials cross the threshold of criminal negligence?

“The Power of the People is Stronger than the People in Power.” Just a thought.

— Robert L. Imler Kendall County resident




Boerne Star
