Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 11:11 PM

‘The Big Give’ provides big boost for nonprofits

‘The Big Give’ provides big boost for nonprofits

Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries serves thousands in eight counties

BOERNE — Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries (HCDBM) will again participate in The Big Give annual fundraiser, a 24-hour South Central, Texas event dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families through non-profit organizations in the region.

Community members are invited to donate to help transform the lives of individuals in need by giving to local nonprofit organizations during The Big Give, which takes place from 6 p.m. Sept. 18 to 6 p.m. Sept. 19.

This year, record numbers of families need your help. With increased inflation and the high cost of groceries, families struggle to put food on their tables while juggling the need to pay insurance, rent, medications and other essential items.

You can learn more about how HCDBM helps families with more than food by visiting the new website at www.hillcountrydailybread. org.

Donations to HCDBM go even further during the week of The Big Give by being matched by a variety of generous donors. Follow HCDBM on Instagram and Facebook to find out how to double your donations, and to learn more about HCDBM programs.

You’ll learn of the increased need in your community and about some of the lives impacted and transformed by programs and people at HCDBM.

“We are dedicated to assisting families living in poverty and crisis while showing them the love of Christ. HCDBM offers a hand-up, not a handout,” said Agnes Hubbard, HCDBM co-founder and executive director.

“We can provide these services through the generosity of donors and volunteers. We are delighted to participate in the Big Give, an important community initiative,” Hubbard added.

In 2023, more than 82,000 people in eight counties were reached through the Ministry’s Community Resource Program: 35%, or 28,700 individuals, were children. This program serves local nonprofits with their no-fee foodbank, clothing, diapers and other essential hygiene products.

Beyond distributing food and basic resources to meet the most essential of needs, thousands are served through HCDBM’s Family Mentoring Program. Mentors are matched through local churches to walk alongside families who need help and are supported by case managers.

Join us as we transform lives and give hope by Giving Big! When you give, you offer a source of hope, help, and healing for families in need.

To donate, mail your donation in the envelope found in this newspaper or visit www.HillCountryDailyBread. org and click on the Big Give Banner. You are also welcome to stop by our office, at 38 Cascade Caverns Road in Boerne.

Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries was founded in 2000 as a calling upon David and Agnes Hubbard and began in a garage. It is a Christian-based ministry whose core programs are the Family Mentoring Resource Program, Stand By Me Mentoring Program for at-risk students, and Community Resource Program, to supply free food and health supplies to local non-profit organizations.




Boerne Star
