Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 11:20 PM




The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


December 19

2:44 a.m., 100 block Newcourt- A 17- or 18-year-old boy ate hallucinogenic mushrooms while at a friend’s house while with other high school seniors and became violent. Three people tried to hold him down, but an officer ended up deploying his taser at the teenager after he bit the officer’s leg. He was arrested.

12:34 p.m., 100 block Old San Antonio Rd.- A landlord heard tenants screaming and thought they might be physically fighting as well.

2:56 p.m., River Road and Main Street- A three-vehicle accident left a 2-year-old and 1-year-old with seatbelt abrasions, but no ambulance or medical treatment was requested.

Officers also conducted 11 security checks, made 15 traffic stops, assisted the public 11 times and worked three false alarms, three non-injury accidents, one animal call and two reckless drivers.

December 21

5:33 a.m., Bandera Road and I-10 E.- Someone struck a water barrier which caused it to block an entire lane of traffic. Officers notified TxDOT who told officers to notify the Texas Sterling Construction Company who contacted a contractor. Eventually someone was sent to deal with it.

12:41 p.m., 206 Market- A woman found marijuana in the parking lot, so she waited in the human resources office behind the tractor trailers.

7:40 p.m., 100 block Giverny- A woman called 911 on her neighbor’s barking dogs again. She said the dogs always stop barking when the officers head that way. She suspected her neighbor had a police scanner.

10:02 p.m., 539 MM I-10 E.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop.

Officers also conducted 18 security checks, made 21 traffic stops, assisted the public 14 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked six false alarms, five non-injury accidents, one animal call and one reckless driver.

December 22

5:53 a.m., 100 block Ranger Creek Rd.- A man didn’t appreciate being woken up so early by “earth-moving equipment” at a nearby construction site.

9:16 a.m., 37100 block I-10 E.- A man was arrested during a traffic stop after being searched.

7:42 p.m., 543 MM I-10 W.- A lawn chair was chilling on the interstate. A wheelbarrow wasn’t far away.

7:48 p.m., 1375 S. Main St.- A man was detained by officers after someone reported he was screaming at a woman in her car and hitting her car door.

Officers also conducted 11 security checks, made 13 traffic stops, assisted the public 12 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked five false alarms, three non-injury accidents and one reckless driver.

December 23

3:15 a.m., 500 block Oak Park- A driver struck parked cars along the road and drove away. When police found the driver, he had a head injury and was complaining of nausea.

11:04 a.m., 711 River Rd.- A woman was arrested after fighting with a man at the apartment complex, where she had a criminal trespass warning.

3:46 p.m., 33000 I-10 W.- A guest at Alamo Fiesta RV Resort was irate and refused to leave. She drove over wet asphalt that was barricaded off, so a manager suspected she may be intoxicated.

7:36 p.m., Cascade Caverns and Scenic Loop- A man was arrested for public intoxication after he was seen stumbling in the road, going into traffic.

9:33 p.m., 600 block W. Bandera Rd.- A man didn’t find the silly string on his truck so funny.

Officers also conducted 11 security checks, made 12 traffic stops, assisted the public 20 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked six false alarms, three non-injury accidents, two animal calls and two reckless drivers.

December 24

1:15 p.m., 1351 S. Main St.- A man and woman were asked to leave the area by officers after someone reported them for holding signs asking for money.

3:11 p.m., 300 block S. Esser Rd.- Three teenagers were hanging out by the trail when one tried to show off by doing push-ups in front of a moving car. The woman called 911 because she almost hit him before he ran away.

5:57 p.m., 100 block Crosspoint- A man was yelling at his family and his neighbors.

7:54 p.m., 100 block Crosspoint- A man using the pseudonym “Jay Roxxx” wanted to speak to the highest-ranking officer in the building. He was rude to dispatchers.

Officers also conducted 15 security checks, made 14 traffic stops, assisted the public 14 times, served a warrant and worked five false alarms, one non-injury accident, one animal call and one reckless driver.


December 19

10:47 a.m., 8900 block Old No. 9- Gillespie County deputies called to let Kendall County deputies know about a maroon truck with several people riding in the bed of the truck and about six people in the front seats.

12:13 p.m., 400 block N. Walnut Way- A man reported his brother slammed his head into concrete, causing him to bleed from the head and feel lightheaded, before driving off in a Nissan Titan.

8:10 p.m., 518 MM I-10 W.- Kerr County officers called for help with a couch on the highway.

Deputies also conducted two security checks, made 14 traffic stops, assisted the public eight times, removed a traffic hazard and worked one false alarm, two animal calls and two reckless drivers.

December 20

9:21 a.m., Doeskin Drive- A woman reported a neighbor’s dog bit her daughter the night before, causing the girl to get stitches to her lip and eye. The mother wasn’t with her daughter at the time, as she was staying with her father.

3:19 p.m., 522 MM I-10 E.- A man and woman were arrested after someone reported they were unable to keep their vehicle in their own lane on the interstate.

Deputies also conducted a security check, made 26 traffic stops, assisted the public 17 times, removed a traffic hazard, served two warrants and worked three false alarms and two reckless drivers.

December 21

3:38 a.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- A woman was shot in the side of the face at the Love’s Convenience Store. Deputies said it was a ricocheted bullet that struck the side of her face, causing a lot of bleeding and something to become lodged in the woman’s eye.

10:13 a.m., 100 block N. Wagon Wheel Dr.- A woman reported her cleaning lady’s grandchildren went missing.

9:50 p.m., 6 Staudt St.- A man called wanting to speak only to a particular deputy. He claimed his girlfriend was making false accusations against him to deputies, and he feared they were believing her. He was finally convinced to speak to a supervisor.

Deputies also made 39 traffic stops, assisted the public 15 times, removed two traffic hazards, served a warrant and worked three false alarms, two non-injury accidents, one animal call and four reckless drivers.

December 22

10:30 a.m., 200 block Hwy 46 E.- Ten goats were gallivanting through the streets.

1:19 p.m., 200 block Hwy 87- A project contractor rented a 15-yard dumpster but turned off his phone after clearing the property. The dumpster company had deputies stand by while they retrieved their property.

2:49 p.m., 100 block High Point Ranch- The president of a local homeowners’ association became concerned when a resident told him they would take their AR-15 and stop any construction that bothers them.

3:10 p.m., 700 block Kreutzberg Rd.- A dispute broke out when a man went to collect his company’s port-a-potty. After some deputized de-escalation, it was clear the portable toilet was on the other side of fresh concrete, so he would pick it up next week.

6:03 p.m., 300 block FM 474- Several residents reported hearing an explosion, suggesting it sounded like a gas explosion. Deputies weren’t able to locate anything.

11:26 p.m., 509 block Front St.- A woman was arrested after she kicked a door in at Alamo Market & Processing in Comfort. She sat in a corner of the store, saying she wanted to get home.

Deputies also made 10 traffic stops, assisted the public eight times, removed a traffic hazard and worked six false alarms, one non-injury accident, two animal calls and two reckless drivers.

December 23

4:43 p.m., 913 Hwy 46 E.- A woman was told to leave the county after she was found asleep in her vehicle with the door open.

5:49 p.m., 20 block Upper Cibolo Creek Rd.- A woman had a question about positioning a car seat.

6:15 p.m., North Creek and Cypress Creek roads- Two potbellies took a stroll through the hill country, successfully evading deputies.

Deputies also made seven traffic stops, assisted the public 11 times and worked three false alarms, four non-injury accidents, one animal call and three reckless drivers.

December 24

8:02 a.m., 300 block N. Walnut Way- A woman reported her ex-husband had a sexual partner over while their 12-year-old daughter was in the same room with them.

11:48 a.m., 100 block Sabine Rd.- Deputies responded to a call about a taped up, large cooler that was flying around. It had rotten chicken remains but none that were human.

3:48 p.m., 100 block Hwy 289- A man was being evicted from a rental home, and he said he had until Dec. 31 to vacate the property. However, he said the homeowner was placing large logs in front of the house, preventing his family from gathering their belongings.

11:57 p.m., 100 block Live Oak St.- A resident complained about loud music coming from a neighbor. Deputies asked that the music be turned down, but it was turned back up when they left. Deputies found the noise level didn’t warrant a citation.

Deputies also made 29 traffic stops, assisted the public eight times and worked three false alarms, one non-injury accident and two reckless drivers.




Boerne Star
