Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 11:13 PM



The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence, which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249-8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830-249-9721 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or kc-crimestoppers.com.


Boerne Police Department


February 15

8:42 a.m., 1020 block River Rd.- A small car with a Maid of Texas license plate hit another car and fled the scene.

11:31 a.m., River Road- A woman reported her 10-year-old daughter was sexually assaulted at an apartment complex.

12:30 p.m., 115 W. Bandera Rd.- An employee at the thrift shop handcuffed themselves, so a manager needed an officer with a cuff key to unlock them.

2:31 p.m., 106 City Park- A woman was yelling near the children’s jungle gym at Boerne City Park. It was unclear if she was drunk.

2:56 p.m., 219 W. Bandera Rd.- A woman tracked down her 15-year-old daughter to the shopping center on Bandera Road. The mother said her daughter was with several adult men who she said sell narcotics. She suspected her daughter would likely be drinking and taking narcotics. The daughter was tracked down.

7:48 p.m., 100 block S. Main St.- A homeless woman with a shopping cart was sitting on a bench and yelling at people as they passed her.

Officers also conducted 24 security checks, made 20 traffic stops, assisted the public 20 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked six false alarms, one animal call and two non-injury accidents.


February 16

2:27 a.m., 1400 block N. Main St.- A vehicle rolled over on Main Street and abandoned the scene. Officers searched the area to see if anyone was walking but nobody was reported found.

128 W. Blanco Rd.- A bat made its way into The Kendall’s event hall, and staff needed help getting it out.

11:12 a.m., 300 block Lasso Falls- A woman reported her daughter was assaulted by another child the Sunday before.

1:56 p.m., 1327 S. Main St.- Two men took it outside Burger King after arguing inside the restaurant and were seen physically fighting in the parking lot.

7:36 p.m., 420 W. Bandera Rd.- An H-E-B employee asked officers to pick up counterfeit $100 bills employees received over the previous couple days.

Officers also conducted 19 security checks, made 10 traffic stops, assisted the public 15 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked eight false alarms, one animal call and five non-injury accidents.


Kendall County Sheriff’s Office


February 14

2:13 a.m., 200 block Hwy 46 W.- A single-vehicle accident resulted in the vehicle rolling over in front of the Enchanted Springs sign. The driver was out and walking around before deputies arrived but was complaining of shoulder pain.

1:39 p.m., 1100 block Waterstone Parkway- A man reported his brother and his brother’s girlfriend were fighting. He wasn’t sure what the fight was about, but he didn’t want it to get physical. The girlfriend left before it went beyond a verbal disagreement.

4:19 p.m., 1000 block Hwy 46 E.- Another trash can went missing in the neighborhood, and Tiger Sanitation continued to tell customers to file a police report. A deputy was pretty sure the trash truck was dumping the can with the trash.

5:34 p.m., 6 Staudt St.- A man called deputies after waiting two years for a taxidermy service. When deputies called him, he said he got ahold of the taxidermist. He said he’d call deputies back if “things go bad.”

6:37 p.m., 43 Hwy 87 N.- Two officers transporting an inmate locked their keys in their vehicle along with the inmate. One of the officers eventually bought a Slim-Jim from the Love’s Travel Stop and was able to unlock the door.

Deputies also made 20 traffic stops, assisted the public nine times, removed a traffic hazard and worked five false alarms, one animal call, one non-injury accident and two reckless drivers.


February 15

11:39 a.m., 200 block Doeskin Dr.- A woman said a man came onto her driveway, taking pictures of her car and home. She said he’d done this before. The man was located by deputies. He said he lived in the apartments on Doeskin Drive and denied going onto her driveway.

11:58 a.m., 200 block Ranch Circle Dr.- A woman said a pistol was stolen from her purse.

6:07 p.m., 601 Esperanza Blvd.- A man reported three men in a tan Camaro were “doing burnouts” in the parking lot of the neighborhood club. They had already left when he called.

Deputies also made 25 traffic stops, assisted the public 13 times, removed two traffic hazards and worked four false alarms, one animal call, three non-injury accidents and four reckless drivers.


February 16

4:32 a.m., 800 block Front St.- A woman thought she was men robbing a place across the street. The two men were located by deputies and found to be loading up pallets.

1:36 p.m., 200 block Hannah Lane- The mental health department was sent to a residence when the property owner complained of seven people in their yard who refused to leave. They were cutting down trees.

3:45 p.m., 600 block FM 474- A woman reported three men in slacks and button downs in near a river crossing. A deputy located the three “sharply dressed” men who were trying to make a call and checking out the river and enjoying the water. They said the woman pulled up and told them to leave, cussing at them before she left. They left after talking to the deputy.

8:50 p.m., 913 Hwy 46 E.- A team of cows, some black and some brown, ganged up behind the Valero in Bergheim. Someone, or perhaps something, cut the lock to their owner’s gate.

Deputies also made 22 traffic stops, assisted the public 14 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked five false alarms, one non-injury accident and three reckless drivers.




Boerne Star
