Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 9:12 PM

What money cannot buy

What money cannot buy


In response to the letter, “What Money Can Buy,” I offer the following comments.

To paraphrase the synopsis, we don’t need vouchers, we need more funding.

What? That is exactly the problem. We have some great schools in Boerne and Kendall County, but people should have a choice if they don’t like where their children are schooled.

We spend more on schools, by far, than most other cities or states — but there is room for improvement and money is not the answer.

We need to watch what our schools are teaching. DEI subverts all of the tenets of democracy. Hiring the best person for the job has proven to always be the best way to succeed. That means looking at a person’s “on the job” experience, education, ability to work with others and interviewing assessment.

Our schools are teaching us to hire based on the best black, brown or “other” for the job. We are teaching that white folk are privileged and need to be punished, even though thousands gave their lives to free slaves.

We are all equal because God created us equal. We all have the opportunity to work hard and get ahead. Putting any American in front of another for any reason other than justifiable qualifications is flat wrong.

Gender dysphoria was not a thing until we started teaching it in schools. The more we spend on our schools, the worse our reading, writing and math scores are.

History has become an elective in many schools and that is often “doctored up.” If we really want equal opportunity, why tie them to a school they don’t want to attend? God Bless America.

— Mike Noggle Kendall County resident




Boerne Star
