Tuesday, February 11, 2025 at 9:21 PM

PHOTO GALLERY: Boerne weathers the storm, plays in the snow

PHOTO GALLERY: Boerne weathers the storm, plays in the snow
Two youngsters are busy making their mother a snow cone for breakfast on Tuesday morning.

Source: Danielle Postiglione

A slow-moving arctic front dropped temperatures ahead of snow flurries Monday night into Tuesday morning, leaving residents with a coating of powdery snow Tuesday morning. Warmer temperatures later Tuesday removed most of the white stuff from streets, lawns, porches and sidewalks.

But Boerne residents pulled out their phones and cameras and committed the experience to memory, via Dropbox, Gallery, Facebook or flash drive. Here are scenes captured by Boerne area residents and turned in for us to show everyone.

Twins Aleks and Gabi Rodriguez toss snow in the air while bouncing on the trampoline in their backyard in Front Gate on Tuesday morning.

Source: Emma Rodriguez

Kennedy Carnes walks among the snowy lane outside their home Tuesday.

Source: Adrianne Carnes

A downed tree shows the direction the storm moved through Tuesday, dropping enough snow to cover most of the green grass below.

Source: Allison Smoot

The deck in Fair Oaks Ranch gives these two a chance for a quick snow experience.

Source: Amber Moreno

Snow lies on a tree draped across the creek.

Source: Angelina Stojakovic

This snowy apartment parking lot remains serene, for the time being, following the dusting of snow that fell Monday night and Tuesday morning.

Source: Aroldo Herrera

Snow is evident on this driveway and landscaping.

Source: Beatriz Sanchez




Boerne Star
