Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 2:51 AM


LAW ENFORCEMENT The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department, Kendall County Sheriff’s Department and the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249- 8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830- 249-9721, the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department at 210-698-0990 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


The following is a brief, partial recap of incidents reported by the Boerne Police Department, Kendall County Sheriff’s Department and the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department. General locations are listed rather than specific addresses. An arrest should not imply guilt or innocence which will be decided in court at a later date. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is asked to call the Boerne Police at 830-249- 8645, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 830- 249-9721, the Fair Oaks Ranch Police Department at 210-698-0990 or Kendall County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or


May 23

1:32 a.m., 300 block S. Esser Rd.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop.

6:11 a.m., 100 block Winding Path- A woman reported someone went through her car, and her wallet was taken.

8 a.m., 100 block Kassel- A woman found an air compressor in her front lawn. She put it in her garage for the time being, but she suspected it was stolen from someone’s vehicle and dumped in her yard.

9:34 a.m. 100 block Jolie Circle- A woman had surveillance footage of a strange person going through her yard overnight.

12:01 p.m., 420 W. Bandera Rd.- A concerned citizen reported a man with a Sons of Liberty shirt walking around H-E-B with a drop holster carrying a gun and wearing combat boots and tactical pants. The caller’s wife spoke to management who said he was working for the company.

May 24

12:41 a.m., 10 block Scenic Loop Rd.- A woman was arrested during a traffic stop after a positive K9 alert and a meth kit was ordered.

2:25 a.m., 300 block S. Esser Rd.- Another individual was arrested during a traffic stop after a positive K9 alert.

8:50 a.m., 300 River Rd.- An employee with Animal Control wanted to know if there was a law against intentionally running over ducks after someone reported seeing the driver of a silver Ford do just that.

1:23 p.m., 1 Greyhound Lane- A student at Boerne High was caught in possession of tobacco.

2:52 p.m., Bandera Road and I-10- A woman was concerned about vehicles turning left onto Bandera Road from the section of the frontage road that connects to School Street, saying there wasn’t enough signage. She said she witnessed two near accidents.

6:34 p.m., 124 Old San Antonio Rd.- A man who was arrested the night before wanted to know why his vehicle had a hold on it.


May 23

1:32 a.m., 300 block S. Esser Rd.- An individual was arrested during a traffic stop. 3:36 a.m., 100 block Chisholm- A couple of teenagers led officers on a chase for several hours after one of them was caught on surveillance footage trying to break into a resident’s car. Eventually, both subjects were taken into custody.

8:21 p.m., 100 block Kendall Parkway- A woman sought deputy assistance after she forgot her wallet was on her roof when she drove off from a location.

May 24

8:58 a.m., Rio Colorado and Guadalupe Bend- A woman reported stop signs in the area were vandalized.

2:59 p.m., 100 block Esperanza- Two teenagers crashed a vehicle in Esperanza, going through an erosion control fence and hitting a curb. A young woman was driving, and a young man was riding in the backset of the older model Mercury.

11:28 p.m., 100 block Cool Rock- An individual reported their father hit their mother. Dispatch could actively hear fighting and screaming, and the caller said they were holding a knife in the kitchen. The mother isolated herself with her son and daughter in her bedroom, and the father left the home.

Deputies also conducted a security check, made 32 traffic stops, assisted the public 13 times, removed a traffic hazard and worked three false alarms, one non-injury accident, two animal calls and two reckless drivers.




Boerne Star
